Dressing rooms, which were previously considered as symbol of respectability and luxury, take the leading positions on the furniture market. Modern consumers do not consider wardrobe systems as an obvious attempt to follow the fashion any more, but only as necessary and practical furniture needed in every home.
Sometimes it is easier to give 3-4 square meters in a house for making a dressing room than to feel sick because of the great amount of things you do not know where to put them. So first of all you need to understand the difference between these two items of furniture, between the wardrobe-compartment and a dressing room. It's very simple. A wardrobe-compartment is a small construction you can’t walk into.
It’s the matter of common knowledge that wardrobes-compartments also have their advantages and their construction allowing storing a lot of things in them. But if you have a possibility to make a separate room for storing your clothes and other stuff, you will be able to make the process of care about your clothes, storage and dressing much more comfortable.
Separate dressing room enables you to hide from the prying eyes the "wrong side" of your private life and easily to change your clothes even in the presence of strangers in the house. In addition, thanks to the excellent organization of the interior space the dressing room made to order will not only hide all the clothing, footwear, bed-clothes, accessories, and other necessary in everyday life things, you can always find necessary thing s in a spacious interior.
In such dressing room you can usually set a huge full-length man size mirror. Mirror is a separate element inside the dressing room (if the space allows to do such things), or it is mounted on the back door. Inside filling of the dressing room, the number of boxes, niches, rods, shelves and baskets is made according to the individual wishes of the customer. Zoning of the dressing room allows to use its area more rationally and to find needed things easily.
Vertical zoning divides the interior space according to the different purposes. For example, it may be the division of seasonal shoes and clothing from each other, the separation of male and female zones. You can pre-plan making of the special compartment for storing the vacuum cleaner, ladders, skis, sewing machine and ironing board. The last one can not only be stored in a dressing room, but also be placed where you can iron. So you can always iron your clothes before fitting it on or having ironed it, to immediately determine the place for it – to hang on the hangers, to fold on a shelf or in a drawer. But it is necessary to distinguish at least 6 "squares" of the useful space for the dressing room. In small-sized dressing rooms you won’t be able to hide your ironing board. The only thing we can do is to select a niche for its storage.
Horizontal zoning divides the dressing room on the active and inactive reach areas. The most active area is middle - the one that is located at a height of 0.5 to 2 meters from the floor. That is the area for things needed every day. Inaccessible (or inactive) areas that are less than 0.5 m from the floor and above 2 m usually are shelves for the things of secondary importance like seasonal items, suitcases, handbags, pillows, blankets, and other things that are used from time to time. Drawers and laundry baskets are usually at the height from 0,5 m to 1,3 m. from the floor. Above, at a distance of 1.9 m from the floor there are rods for clothes, located on different heights and designed for hanging of long and short things. It will not be an exaggeration to say that dressing room - it's every housewife’s dream which came true. When you buy comfortable furniture you can forget about the mess and disorder because everything will be nicely placed in the proper place, for example laundry in the drawers, clothes on hangers, ties on the tie rods and shoes on the open shelves. It is easy to reach and find every item in it, and due to the special lifts, open sections and rods with the telescopic pullers you can easily get whatever you need. In order to easily and convenient find anything manufacturers think over the illumination of the dressing room very carefully. For the good air circulation the furniture is equipped with the ventilation (fan system).
Usually the dressing room is produced from the wood particle board or laminated chipboard. But occasionally we can find the racks made of lightweight aluminium, and glass. For the customers who appreciate luxury and natural materials there are dressing rooms made from the wood massive or models with the veneer façade.