Wardrobes - compartments appeared on the market at the end of the last century. The fact of appearance of such a comfortable and modern technology on the market caused an outburst of the positive emotions among the potential customers. Ordinary citizens who were going to make their homes more comfortable rushed to buy such a wonderful piece of furniture.
Customers not only got the opportunity to buy the built-in furniture but also to become designers of their own houses. All this could happen due to the fact that the wardrobe – compartment became possible to make on order, taking into consideration the customer’s needs, room area and interior style. Also roughness of the walls and functional requirements were considered. Any wardrobe-compartment can be compared with the construction set for the "adult children", where you can choose the color, size, and internal filling. It can be said that the possibility of any project personalization during the process of the wardrobe buying brought prosperity to the modern furniture market because any box, any shelf or drawer were made to order. And the cabinets would fit to any, even the uneven walls. Let's sort out why are wardrobes-compartments so popular today? To do this we must understand all the advantages of this piece of furniture.
The first and the most important advantage of built-in furniture is space saving. Imagine that you have a one-room apartment with a small living area. Wardrobe will fit there perfectly. As opposed to the swing doors, built-in wardrobe sliding system saves the precious space. In addition the wardrobe – compartment is strikingly functional. Due to the cellular shelves system you can store anything in the wardrobe.
Wardrobe - compartment are easily installed. For its mounting you do not need a lot of material because as back or side walls for the wardrobe the apartment walls can be used. And the possibility of the wardrobe creation "for oneself" makes a customer really happy. Wardrobe - compartment can be built into any niche or put in a corner. It can be simply attached to the wall and to divide the room by the sliding partition. It is a real opportunity to put a lot of shelves and drawers, racks and baskets in one piece of furniture, as well as to build on the mezzanine with the separate compartments. In addition, the wardrobe-compartment can be installed in the living room or an entrance hall, children room or bedroom. Everywhere such wardrobe will look really great.